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So Super Duper > About Us
Brian Andersen
Dedicated freelance writer at, comic book creator and publisher.
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Brian Andersen is a native Northern Californian raised on a steady, enriching diet of comic books and all things geeky.


As a “responsible” married adult with a young child, he still retains far more mental space for the history and continuity of Alpha Flight and the Birds of Prey comic book series than he does for, say, thermonuclear dynamics. And he’s more then ok with this.  


Brian is also a recovering Mormon who spent two youthful years as a missionary in Guatemala preaching and teaching and serving the community. He’s a graduate of Brigham Young University, a keen lover and follower of pop culture, and a freelance writer for various publications, including Instinct Magazine, Prism Comics,, and most recently, The Advocate Magazine


Brian has written and created many indie comic book series, most notably his worldwide newsworthy comic book series Stripling Warrior, about gay Mormon Superheroes. 


Brian still holds onto his youthful fantasy of writing for a mainstream comic book company,  with his dream project being a female lead superhero comic book series. If it be a She-Hulk solo series, all the better. 'Cause Shulkie's his fave hero ever!  

Art by James Neish. She-Hulk all rights reserved; Marvel Comics

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